Brand New Course Reveals Powerful, State-Shifting Techniques To...

"Instantly Overcome Fear, Generate Courage & Take Massive Action"

...So You Finally Do The Things That You've Been Anxious, Nervous, Worried About, Or Shying Away From... Helping You To Attain What You Truly Desire In Your Life, Both Personally & Professionally!
From: Bogdan Juncewicz
Warsaw, Poland
Our life is made up of a series of decisions...

Do we choose A or B?
Do we pick this, or that?
Do we do the easy thing, or the hard thing?

It's those day-in, day-out decisions that ultimately shape our destiny...

But, there's 1 particular set of decisions that seems to show up more than others...

We also remember these decisions more vividly than most (even decades later!)...

And, most importantly, it's these type of decisions that affect our progress, our success & our happiness in life more than virtually any other...

I'm talking, of course, about fear-related decisions...

Do You Ever Experience Fear?

Our life is filled with opportunities to pursue what we truly want...

Examples include:
  • ​​​Applying for a new job
  • Getting a promotion
  • ​​​Starting your own business
  • Signing a brand new client
  • ​​​​​​Sharing your work with the world
  • ​​​​Starting a conversation with a stranger
  • ​A date with someone you find attractive
  • Deeper connection in existing relationships
  • Going on a wild, crazy adventure
  • ​Standing up for what you truly believe in
  • ​Being your true, most authentic self
Opportunities show up for us to get more of all of these things...

The question is... do we take them?

See, as soon as they show up, more often than not, fear also kicks in...

And it shocks our system...

Our heart starts racing...
Our palms get sweaty...
We feel butterflies in our stomach...

We desperately want to take action & take advantage of these opportunities that life presents us... but fear grabs hold of us & paralyzes us, causing us to overthink the situation in front us of...

"What if they say no?"
"What if I get rejected?"
"What if I fail?"
"What will other people think of me?"
"What if the other person doesn't feel the same way?"

We get caught up in this imaginary rabbit hole; one that causes us to doubt & then self-sabotage ourselves...

Based on this, more often than not, we do nothing...

We pick the safe option...

We remain in our "comfort zone"...

And we miss out on that opportunity to move our life forward...

This Is Fear In Action...

Think about it...

How many times have you failed to say, do or follow through on something simply because you were ever afraid of what might happen?

Or, how many people do you know that stay in jobs & careers they hate, simply because they are scared of the unknown...

Or, miss out on amazing friendship, connection & love because they fear getting rejected, being vulnerable, or getting hurt again?

Or, avoid potentially life-transforming & success-altering experiences due to fear?

I often refer to this type of fear as... 

"The Biggest Killer Of Goals & Dreams"

More specifically, fear affects (or, ruins) us in 3 specific ways...

First, we worry about things happening & suffer, in advance...

Instead of living in the present, being focused & enjoying our life, we are wrapped in a ongoing anxiety about the future...

We play out these imaginary scenarios in our head... becoming more & more nervous, fearful, anxious & stressed about what's coming up...

(or, instead of sleeping peacefully at night, for example, we waste time running scenarios of all the bad things that we could happen to us!)

We start to suffer long before things actually happen...

Then, there are the situations themselves...

When great opportunities (to advance our careers, our relationships, our life, etc) present themselves...

Instead of facing our fear, transforming it & taking action... we get wrapped up it is & let it stop us!

Finally, there's the fallout...

Short term, we may rationalize our way out of it...

But, long-term, our constant inaction — our failure to truly take advantage of the opportunities we are presented with in our life — slowly eat away at us...

We experience deep regret...

"Why didn't I say something?"
"Why didn't I take action?"
"Why didn't I act courageously?"

This is the basis of a lot of the regret we experience...

In fact, it's well known amongst psychologists that...

"We Regret The Things We Didn't Do 2x As Much As The Things We Did Do"

Repeat this cycle over years, decades, and we begin to put ourselves down & even hate ourselves...

But, the truth is that there's nothing wrong with you...

You might simply have a bad relationship with fear.

Or, put another way, you probably just never learned how to overcome fear, how to generate courage (whenever we need it) & achieve the success you desire...

If you were to learn this — transforming your relationship with fear & learning how to overcome it to take action, no matter what — change would be easy & all the pain that I described would be no more for you...

High Achievers Do Things Differently...

See, high achiever are not "fearless" (that's a myth!)

They still experience fear, just like everybody else...

But, they know how to transform their fear into courage...

They know how to generate courage & take action when opportunities arise...

Leading to better results in all that they do...

They achieve better results in their careers, businesses & finances because they speak up, ask, are more assertive & more persistent in pursuing what they want...

Some people will get a lot more dates than others, in large part, because they are not afraid of talking to strangers, sharing how they feel, or asking people out...

High achievers also have better relationships (& experience deeper connection) because they are not afraid to be vulnerable & say what's really on their mind...

They are also happier (largely because they don't have all that anxiety, fear & regret eating away at them all day long!)...

GOOD NEWS: You Can Learn This Too!

Once again, while we're never taught this growing up, you can absolutely develop a better relationship with fear, learn how to overcome it & achieve your dreams...

In fact, there are certain strategies (& underlying mechanisms) that make this not just possible, but actually much easier than you may think...

I've spent many years learning these techniques (& applying them into my own life) & I want to share them with you too...

But first, let me introduce myself...

Hey, my name's Bogdan... 

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly quickly introduce myself & share how I can support you, starting right now...
See, the whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

It's because, at age 13, I made what what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

The decision was to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...

See, after dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours that other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important & the education system fails to teach us...

Over the next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful mentors...

I've also dove deep into the fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology & more...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

Of course, the more I learned, the more I implemented into my own life...  

I become my own "guinea pig", rigorously experimenting & testing everything I could get my hands on, to optimize my own own life... before, eventually, starting to sharing what I had learned with my early clients!

Fast Forward To Today...

Today, I'm the author of multiple bestselling books, including Skilled Success & Self Mastery (which have been ordered from & delivered to 80+ countries!)  

I'm an internationally-recognized speaker & coach, having spoken on stages & platforms (live, in person, as well as online) to individuals all around the world...

And, perhaps most importantly, I am the founder of "Potencia" — an online education platform that I founded as part of my mission to change education & to transform people's lives all around the world...

Our mission here at Potencia is to deliver world-class products & programs on the topics that the traditional education system, unfortunately, falls shorts...

And to date, we've already helped tens of thousands of customers & clients from more than 85 countries around the world, to improve their work & their life (& we are only just getting started!)

That's a bit about me...

But, here's something most people don't know about me...

Here's The Real Truth About Me...

People nowadays watch my videos, go through my courses, or see me speaking on stages in front of large crowds & they assume I've always been so confident, bold & charismatic...

I get compliments like this quite a lot...

"You're so bold"
"You seem so fearless"
"You live your life so courageously"

But the truth is that... 

I was actually a very shy, reserved, introverted, anxious (& yes, fear-ridden!) kid while I was growing up...

I would almost always let fear get the better of me (like I described at the start)...

Especially in social situations; I remember feeling very anxious whenever I was speaking to almost anyone, except close friends & family of course...

I would routinely turn away (or avoid!) opportunities to be my true self, express myself & pursue what I want because of fear...

And, as I also described, I absolutely hate it!

Which is a huge reason that motivated me to study "fear", "courage" (amongst the other attributes that enable high achievers to achieve such extraordinary results in their life)... just like I did.

In short...

Transforming my relationship with fear, it...

"...Changed My Life & It'll Change Yours Too"

In fact, imagine this for a moment...

Imagine if you could train yourself to consistently take the path that leads you towards what you want... (instead of letting fear stop you in your tracks?)

Imagine if you could shift how you feel to minimize fear & to generate courage, virtually at will...? (yes, it's possible!)

Imagine what your life could look like if, from now on, you boldly, assertively & courageously started pursuing exactly what you want...?

Imagine how much more you would achieve in your career, work, business (& in terms, of your finances)...?

Imagine how much better, deeper relationships with others you would create...?

And imagine how much happier you'd be knowing that you can express your true self boldly (without the all-too-common fear of what other people will think?)...

Well, that's what I want to share with you...

Today, I want to reveal to you everything I've learned (over the past 9 years, as well as working with thousands of customers & clients from around the world)...

I want to peel back the curtain of fear & to teach you precisely how you can overcome fear in your own life, to generate courage (whenever you need it) & to take the required action to achieve your dreams...



How To Overcome Your Fear, Generate Courage & Achieve Your Dreams

How To Overcome Your Fear, Generate Courage & Achieve Your Dreams

In this Fear Myth course, you'll learn eye-opening insights, big ideas & transformative frameworks, which will equip you with a whole new understanding of fear, courage, action & what it really takes to achieve your dreams... 

You'll also get an entire toolbox full of state-shifting techniques, highly-practical processes, exercises & mechanisms to overcome fear, generate courage (when you need it) & take massive action!
Here's Precisely What You'll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:


In part 1, you'll learn how exactly fear is, how your brain & body work together to produce this emotion that we call "fear" (based on cutting-edge research from the fields of psychology, neuroscience & neurobiology)... well as a number of completely eye-opening & game-changing ideas, insights & frameworks that'll change how you think about fear forever, also making it radically easier to transcend it & starting taking big, bold, courage action, that's virtually guaranteed to transform the quality of your life going forward!

What you’ll learn inside:

  • ​​​The main reasons why studying, understanding & learning to transform fear, anxiety & nervousness, into confidence, certainty & courage, is a critical skillset that separates the world's highest achievers from the rest... (plus: the very first steps to get started acquiring this skillset for yourself now!)
  • The "2 types of fear" framework... AND the precise considerations you must make to deal with each of the 2 types accordingly (& optimally)... for the best possible results, over the long-term!
  • ​​​The 3 High Performance Benefits Of Fear — thats right, contrary to popular belief, fear is not all bad... in fact, at the right time & place, the 1st type of fear can serve you well, providing you with 3 very specific effects that help raise your performance levels...
  • ​​​PHOBIA'S, EXPLAINED — you'll also learn how fears & phobia's are formed in the brain (plus: a proven process for eradicating even lifelong phobia's, in as little as 5 minutes!)
  • ​​​The #1 you must do 90%+ of the time whenever you feel "fear"... as well as specific steps for implementing this incredible advice into your life right away!
  • ​​​​The paradox of fear which explains why fear is simultaneously the very best survival mechanism that we have, keeping us alive... while also the very thing that stops you from fully living! (including: how to internally resolve this conflict... to controllably "expand your comfort zone" & live the life you've always dreamed off!)
  • ​You'll also learn how to strategically & methodically use "fear" as the ultimate decision-making tool, for better decision making, smarter action & multiplied results!
  • My #1 biological hack for reducing fear... as well as tightening focus, unleashing creativity, boosting motivation & elevating performance (note: when you learn to use this, it'll supercharge your progress more than almost anything else you can do!)

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
Which leads us to...


After decoding fear in part 1... in part 2, you will learn 8 simple, yet powerful "fear techniques" you can use instantly to overcome any fear, anxiety or nervousness that you may be feeling (e.g before a big speech, important presentation, client meeting, approaching someone, asking for a raise, being vulnerable, an extreme sport activity or anything else that may invoke fear in you in the moment)...

...& convert that fear into confidence, certainty & courage... that enables you to take massive (& simultaneously, intelligent!) action forward, to make rapid progress & to achieve the things that you desire most in this world!

What you’ll learn inside:

  • The counter-intuitive, almost-backwards, approach for dealing with fear or anxiety that'll make it reduce & dissipate faster than almost anything else you can do... (note: learning this will be a real game-changer for your results!)
  • ​​​How to convert fear or anxiety into curioity & excitement, within mere seconds using a strategy known as 'Cognitive Re-Framing' (based on fascinating new Harvard research that goes completely against what we've been previously taught to believe about fear.)
  • ​​​The precise, neuro-chemical makeup of "fear".... the 1 chemical that's at the center of your brain & bodies fear response... AND how to start to use this to your advantage!
  • ​The "backwards law" which explains so much of our irrational human behavior... AND how to use it to get more of what you really want in life!
  • ​​​The 4 simple word reframe that makes being afraid, nervous or anxious about something virtually impossible... AND how to apply this reframe into your everyday life to reduce fear, boost confidence, raise courage & take meaningful action forward!
  • ​​​​The 2 parts that make up your nervous system & how to use this understanding to also reduce fear drastically (& do so, incredibly quickly!)
  • ​​​The '2 Elements of State' framework & how to apply it to change how you feel, take charge of your emotions & generate any feeling you want, virtually at will! (note: this is based on modern psychological research, which proves that our thoughts & feelings are not random & therefore, there are specific things that we can do to predictably change them. I’ll show you how to do exactly this…)
  • How to apply the 3 basic principles of ‘FOCUS’, ‘MEANING’ & ‘CODE’ to change your thinking easily... (mastering this is the key to removing negative thinking, becoming a more positive person & being in control of your life!)
  • Another "5 minute visualization" hack that predictably replaces your fear or anxiety, with high levels of confidence, courage & boldness!
  • ​My #1 strategy for making difficult tasks, projects & goals, seem easy... & therefore, reducing overwhelm, boosting your motivation, combatting procrastination & helping you make rapid progress on your goals...
  • How to use what's known as the "5 Second Rule" to overcome fear, get rid of excuses, silence "mental cutter" (that voice in your head that attempts to convince you that you're "not good enough")... & get yourself into action NOW!

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
And finally, you have...


Finally, in part 3, you'll learn the in-built biological & psychological mechanisms that you can take advantage of... to turn the things that you may be afraid of right now into things that you can do easy, naturally & even without thinking twice!

You'll also learn how courage is built, including the courage-building secrets of the world's most boldest, most courageous & most "fear-less" individuals (e.g. stunt's people, skaters, skiers, wrestlers, marshall artists, parkourists, gymnasts, etc)... & how to apply their mindset to overcome fear & train up courage in your own life!

What you’ll learn inside:

  • Practical examples & steps that you can follow to build up your "tolerance" for various types of fear... so that the things you used to be afraid off now become easy, mundane & even boring (stimulating no fear response whatsoever; no resistance!)
  • ​​​How to set up & go on a "FEAR CHALLENGE", specifically designed to re-program your brain & body's respond to FEAR... (just like the world’s highest achieving, more courageous & more "fear-less" individuals!)
  • ​​​The relationship between failure & fear... AND how to re-frame events so you actually become MORE confident & LESS fearful, the more you inevitably experience failures, challenges & setbacks, on your path to ultimate success!
  • ​​​The real truth about seemingly "fearless" individuals... AND a number of eye-opening distinctions that'll change how you think about courage forever as well!
  • ​​​​How to controllably, predictably & methodically 'expand your comfort zone'... opening yourself up to the unlimited possibilities & incredibly opportunities waiting for you!
  • ​​​COURAGE, EXPLAINED — A detailed breakdown of precisely what courage really is, how it works & how to summon more of it whenever you need it... so you can bolder action & achieve better results across all the important areas of your life!
  • ​The strange, highly counter-intuitive, yet very powerful "fail on purpose" strategy that I use to build up comfort when doing new things much faster than ever before!
  • THE CONFIDENCE-COMPETENCE LOOP — you'll learn the mechanism as well as how to "hack" it for greater learning, more confidence & better results across all the important areas of your life...
  • ​How to use "pre-commitments", "stakes" & "accountability"... to radically boost your implementation, follow-through & results!
  • How to "flip your fear" so that you're almost guaranteed to take action, no matter how scary something may seem... (note: this is one of the biggest things that separates high achievers from everybody else & one of my personal favourite distinctions for boosting courage & transforming one's life for the better!)
  • How to stop delaying, over-thinking or procrastination by "re-wiring" your brain for action! (note: this is the missing piece for most people on their personal growth journey & once you learn this, you'll start to full implement everything you know to start achieving what you're truly capable off!)

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
 But, That's Not All...
You're *Also* Getting Access To A Number Of Very Special Bonuses...

"Fast Phobia Cure"

Most people have some strong fear or phobia (e.g. snipers, snakes, dogs, insects, heights, flying, ladders, elevators, tight spaces, needles, storms, swimming, being social) that they wish that they didn't have...

And the only reason they haven't gotten rid of it (& instead just learn to live with it) is because they don't know how to (the education system doesn't teach us this!)

In the "Fear Myth" course, you'll learn about phobia's... & as a special bonus, I'll give you a proven, step-by-step "Fast Phobia Cure" process that you can follow to break any phobia you may have, often in as little as 5 minutes!

Bonus Value: $47.00

'Fear Challenge' Process

As a special bonus, you'll also get access to a powerful process for building up your tolerance to virtually any form or flavour of fear, known as the "fear challenge".

You'll get complete instructions (& worksheets to use) to successfully start, execute, track & measure your "fear challenge", to become a new, better, bolder version of yourself, in as little as 21 days!

Bonus Value: $47.00

Breath & Meditation Exercises

You also get access to a number of meditation & breathwork exercises that you can use to calm, relax & to de-stress your nervous system — shifting how you feel!in just seconds!

These can be used to minimize fear, remove anxiety, calm nervousness & get rid of stress very quickly... as well as shift your state / emotions in other directions too!

Bonus Value: $47.00

Skill + Confidence Bonus Trainings

Fear, skill & confidence are very interconnected & intertwined ideas; improve any 1 & the other 2 usually go up as well.

That's why, as a bonus, you'll also get access to 2 additional bonus training videos about 1) accelerating your skill development... my 5 all-time best strategies, as well as... 2) elevating your self-confidence... through proven psychological methods.

Bonus Value: $97.00

Facebook Community

Sometimes, personal growth & self-discovery can feel like a lonely journey! 

This will not be the case with the Fear Myth training course... 

Not only do you get access to me, but you also get access to a community of members also going through this course at the same time as well!

You get access to a Facebook Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others & share your progress!

Bonus Value: Priceless!

In Summary, Here's Everything 
That You're Getting Today...

 Core Course Curriculum

  • Part #1: Fear. Decoded.
  • ​Part #2: Instant Fear Techniques
  • ​Part #3: Generating Courage

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

  • Part #1: Fear. Decoded. ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #2: Instant Fear Techniques ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #3: Generating Courage ($97.00 Value)

 Special Bonuses

  • ​Bonus #1: "Fast Phobia Cure"
  • ​Bonus #2: 'Fear Challenge' Process
  • ​Bonus #3: Breath & Meditation Exercises
  • Bonus #4: Skill + Confidence Bonus
  • Bonus #5: Facebook Community Group

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)


  • #1: "Fast Phobia Cure" ($47.00 Value)
  • ​#2: 'Fear Challenge' Process ($47.00 Value)
  • ​​#3: Breath & Meditation Exercises ($47.00 Value)
  • #4: Skill + Confidence Bonus ($97.00 Value)
  • #5: Facebook Community Group (Priceless)

Combined Value:


This is highly valuable stuff!

Think about it...

If you could finally overcome fear & generate the courage you need to take action on the things you know you should do...

...what would that be worth to you?

(what about over the course of a lifetime?!)

Probably a lot more than $529, right?

Once again, clients have paid me much, much more than this to have be coach them through this material & help them in this way...

Oh, & if the pricing for this course was done by a prestigious college or university, they'd be charging you tens of thousands of dollars for a curriculum as in-depth & effective as this one...

But, my goal now is to make this (life-changing!) information accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $529 (or anywhere near that) today...

In fact, your investment if you want the 'Fear Myth' course, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...


If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this training course, you get everything at a massive 94% discount...

Total Value: $529

Just $27!

...that's about the price of a few Starbucks Frappuccino's, or a lunch at mid-priced restaurant...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more... you're getting what you need to finally overcome fear, generate courage whenever you need it, take massive action & achieve your dreams!

Here's Everything That You're Getting For Just $27 Today...

 Core Course Curriculum

  • Part #1: Fear. Decoded.
  • ​Part #2: Instant Fear Techniques
  • ​Part #3: Generating Courage

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

  • Part #1: Fear. Decoded. ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #2: Instant Fear Techniques ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #3: Generating Courage ($97.00 Value)

 Special Bonuses

  • #1: "Fast Phobia Cure" ($47.00 Value)
  • ​#2: 'Fear Challenge' Process ($47.00 Value)
  • ​​#3: Breath & Meditation Exercises ($47.00 Value)
  • #4: Skill + Confidence Bonus ($97.00 Value)
  • #5: Facebook Community Group (Priceless)
  • ​Bonus #1: "Fast Phobia Cure"
  • ​Bonus #2: 'Fear Challenge' Process
  • ​Bonus #3: Breath & Meditation Exercises
  • Bonus #4: Skill + Confidence Bonus
  • Bonus #5: Facebook Community Group

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)


Your Success Truly Is Our Top Priority!

This may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world... but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the products, programs & training courses we put out are of the highest possible standard, & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple the process is...

Step #1: Place your order today

Step #2: Receive your login details

Step #3: Log in & begin the course

The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the 'Fear Myth' training...

Then, on top of this, you also get access to the processes, exercises, additional bonus trainings... & a community to support you as well!
Your order is also...

Completely Guaranteed

Here's the guarantee which comes with this course...

 Backed By Our Extended 30 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you get this new 'Fear Myth' training course & you don't consider it one of the best trainings on this topic you've ever come across, we'll refund your order 100% & let you keep the course + all the bonuses as well -- just as a thank you for trusting me & testing it out!'

In essence, you have 60 days to test-drive 'Fear Myth', risk-free, and if after those 60 days, you don't see tremendous value from it, just contact us & we'll refund your order 100% - this is an extended 60 day guaranteed & applies no-questions-asked.

Lifetime Access

When you order the 'Fear Myth' training course, you get access for life. You can go through it at your own pace & as many times as you'd like.

Free Upgrades

Today, you're ordering v1.0 of the 'Fear Myth' course. If this course gets updated in future, you'll receive access to the upgrade, for free

Price Guarantee

This is the lowest price that this course has ever been offered at & it's the lowest price that this course will ever be offered for in future!

You Must Act Now

This special discount (94% off) isn't going to last forever...

In fact, this page will likely be pulled down soon & the price will be drastically increased going forward...

And so, if you want this course & you want to get it at 94% OFF, you must act now. Get in & get started before this discount expires... 
Thanks for taking the time to read this page. I look forward to hearing about the amazing results this training course will help you create!

Have an incredible day, 
Bogdan Juncewicz
COURSE CREATOR  |  Bogdan Juncewicz
Since making a decision to voluntarily drop out of high school at the age of 13, Bogdan has been obsessed with figuring out what makes people extraordinary at what they do & how anyone can create the success & happiness they desire...

Today, he's the author of multiple bestselling & internationally-distributed books (including 'Skilled Success' & Self Mastery'). He's also a content creator & keynote speaker, who has spoken on stages across 3 continents, teaching thousands & thousands of people worldwide. Including: multi-millionaires, TEDx speakers, marketers, musicians, teachers, fitness professionals & more.

Bogdan has more than 9 years of real-world, practical regular-100-hour-work-weeks experience, researching, studying & teaching topics, such as accelerated learning, skill development, human psychology, motivation, productivity & overall personal development. And his teachings are grounded in (& backed by) years of research in the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, performance psychology & human behavior.

A lot of his experience, specific insights & relatable examples have also come from the in-the-trenches work he does as a ‘coach,’ delivering breakthrough results for his clients. 

Over the years, he’s helped people break addictions, overcome limiting beliefs & make huge shifts in their lives in just a few coaching sessions - the same results some therapists take many, many years to get for their clients!

Most importantly, he’s the founder of an online education company, 'Potencia' which serves customers & clients across 80+ countries & 6 continents, providing world-class alternative education in the areas that school falls short. The mission of this company (& his work) is to reform the education system & elevate, improve & evolve human education - for greater achievement, happiness & freedom...

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Coach. Voluntary High School Dropout.
What Others Say About Bogdan's Work...

''Bogdan's honest, sincere & uncomplicated manner is breath of fresh air. These strategies guided me to come up with a system that works for me.''

- Riffi Khan, TV Producer & Founder of Sunflower Productions

''Bogdan's knowledge combined with this fantastic ability to explain everything simply... will leave anyone achieving their greatness.''

- Noah Abelman, 99.90th percentile student & creator: ExamReadyTutoring

''I can promise you that Bogdan's guidance will be invaluable to helping you reach your end goal.''

- Pam Wright, Australia’s Leading Stress Expert & FasterEFT Trainer
P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

For a limited time, you can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my Fear Myth training course, as well as all of the bonuses (value: $529) at a 94% DISCOUNT.

This course contains eye-opening ideas, transformative frameworks as well as state-shifting technique, highly-practical processes, exercise & mechanisms to help you to... overcome fear, generate courage & take action.

Your investment today is $529 just $27!

PLUS: if, for any reason, you don't absolutely love this training course & find it incredibly useful, you will get a full refund - no questions asked.

So, you can get started risk-free today!
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