New Course Reveals A Breakthrough System To Boost Your Self-Esteem, Eradicate Self-Doubt & Create Unshakeable Self-Confidence (As Well As Radically Improve Your Charisma, Relationships & Career Success!)... All By Applying A Number Of Little-Known, Yet Proven "Psychological Methods!"

This Transformative New Approach To Confidence Is Already Helping People All Around The World To Free Themselves Of Self-Doubt & Anxiety, Boost Their Charisma & Finally Show The World That Very Best Version Of Themselves!
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What Is "Unshakeable Confidence?"

"Unshakeable Confidence" is a brand new approach, system — & an in-depth, 3 part, video training course walking you through it all; step-by-step — to help you to predictably upgrade your levels of self-esteem & self-confidence!

The "Unshakeable Confidence" course itself consists of game-changing ideas, strategic frameworks & breakthrough understandings that'll first change how you think about confidence forever (as well as in-depth explanations of the underlying mechanisms which regulate your level of self-confidence)...

From there, you'll learn precisely how to apply a number of the little known, yet proven "psychological methods" (as well as highly-practical "state-shifting strategies") which will remove your self-doubt, silence your 'inner critic', melt away anxiety & help you start to boost your self-confidence, almost instantly.. that you start doing the things you've been previously stopping yourself from doing & finally show the world that very best version of yourself!

Now Available For 
Instant, Digital Access!


TOTAL VALUE: $519.00




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 Backed by a 60-day money back guarantee. You'll love the course, or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your access!

 "Confidence" Is The Ultimate Superpower

If there's anything the thousands of studies conducted the past 50 years prove, it's the drastic, night-&-day difference that high vs low levels of self-esteem & self-confidence make on one's career, finances, relationships & happiness...

While those who have low self-esteem & self-confidence tend to under-achieve, fail to live up to expectations & struggle in life (as well as experience more stress, anxiety, poorer mental health & less happiness)...

...those with higher levels of self-confidence are more likely to get promoted, rise to leadership positions & make good business decisions - leading to more money, as well as greater respect from their peers...

They're also less anxious, stressed, develop healthier habitsexperience better mental & emotional wellbeing, as well as report higher levels of life satisfaction!

 ...It's Also Incredibly Sexy!

While those with lower self-esteem also have a significantly harder time dating, in relationships, friendships & in their social life...

Those with higher self-confidence are considered more attractive, proven to get more dates & are even considered better partners in relationships too!

All of this, of course, is only true when you develop real self-confidence (not just fake, artificial, "fake it til you make it" bravado)...

 "Unshakeable Confidence" Is The Key...

Before I made a number of eye-opening discoveries & learned the little-known, yet proven "psychological methods" I'm going to teach you to boost your self-esteem, eradicate self-doubt & create unshakeable self-confidence in your life...

Before this, I used to believe that, no matter how important, confidence may be, there was simply nothing I could do about it...

I used to think (like most people do) that confidence is largely fixed trait & that it cannot be changed... or, that change requires a huge amount of work & effort!

Turns out, these are all lies!

The truth is that — with right strategies, methods & "psychological methods" — boosting your self-esteem & upgrading your level of self-confidence (as well as charisma, relationships & career, as a result) can be a lot easier than you think!

But, again... for this, you need the right methods, strategies & processes (which most people simply don't know; as the education system failed to teach us this... & those that do learn it learned an old, outdated model of confidence!)

In the "Unshakeable Confidence" course, you'll learn our breakthrough system!

You'll learn our complete "Unshakeable Confidence" methodology & system for boosting self-esteem, eradicating doubt & creating unshakeable confidence...

 A Course Built Upon This Breakthrough "Unshakeable Confidence" Methodology...

Pulling on decades of psychological research & fascinating insights into how the brain really works... & learning "psychological methods" discovered by some of the world's smartest individuals... 

...I curated it all to create the 'Unshakeable Confidence' methodology & system!

In the 3 parts of the "Unshakeable Confidence" training course (which you can get instant, digital access to... & start going through today!)... you'll learn this methodology, system & all the "psychological methods" you need to make the necessary shifts & start achieving the results that you truly deserve in your life!

 Eradicate Self-Doubt With Ease!

This breakthrough new approach to confidence that is already helping people all around the world to free themselves of crippling self-doubt, silence mental chatter, stop their 'inner critic', as well as melt away anxiety & stress...

 "Unshakeable Self-Confidence" Now

Now only will this "Unshakeable Confidence" system & in-depth, 3-part video training course teach you how to eradicate self-doubt, it'll also teach you how to create an unshakeable sense of self-confidence in your life...

(not the type of fake, easily-shaken, self-confidence that's created by the old, ineffective approach of giving out participation trophies to kids... or adults speaking affirmations into the mirror!)

Express Your Best Self & Achieve Your Goals!

Our belief is simple... you are already capable & have many of the resources & opportunities required to start achieving results...

You are simply holding yourself back through self-doubt & a lack of confidence!

Get rid of that crippling self-doubt (that, like an anchor on a ship, is weighing you down)... & you'll begin to fly (metaphorically, of course!)

This "Unshakeable Confidence" methodology, system & the 3-part, video training course walking you through it all, will help you do all of this & more...


"Unshakeable Confidence" is a 3-part, video training course (4+ hrs of content, training & walkthrough of the system).


In part 1, we deconstruct the topics of self-esteem, self-doubt & confidence. You'll learn how confidence is built & the very first steps you can take right away to start upgrading your confidence now (all revealed in shared in a simple way that's easy to understand & implement!)


In part 2, you will learn 6 simple, yet powerful "state-shifting strategies" that you can use to instantly change how you feel instantly (including: releasing anxiety, getting rid of stress, handling fear & tuning into a feeling of confidence on command!)


You'll discover the "psychological methods" that you can apply right away to boost confidence at the "contextual" level (so you show up your best self in ANY situation)... as well as the "core" level... (so you make your confidence truly unshakeable!)



When clients pay me thousands of dollars for 1-to-1 coaching, one processes I guide them through is "Win's Integration Process" (which helps you to practically implement what you learn in this course). You get access to this process, included for free.


You also get access to a number of breathwork exercises which you can use to calm, relax & to de-stress your nervous systemshift how you feel — in seconds!


Competence (or, skill) & self-confidence are very strongly interconnected... in this bonus training, you'll learn 5 of the best (& my all-time favourite) skill development strategies.


In this other bonus training, you'll discover a number of frameworks for planning out, structuring & taking control of your daily schedule to... maximize productivity, unleash creativity & achieve more, faster.


You get access to a FB Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others that are going on the same journey as well & share your results!


TOTAL VALUE: $519.00


Delivered instantly! Learn the "unshakeable confidence" system, in the next 5 minutes...
 Backed by a 60-day money back guarantee. You'll love the course, or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your access!

How To Develop The *1 Attribute* Proven To Significantly Boost Your Chances Of Getting Promoted, Earning More, Being More Attractive, Getting More Dates & Achieving Ultimate Success...

...As Well As Drastically Lower Anxiety, Stress, Worry, Negative Thinking & Transform Your Mental Health, Emotional Wellbeing & Happiness Forever!


From: Bogdan Juncewicz
Re: How to unleash the "superpower" that is "self-confidence" to
radically enhance your career, finances, relationship & happiness!
Picture this:

You had just a great idea, that you want to share with others...

Or, an amazing opportunity presents itself for you to put your knowledge, skills & abilities to work...

Or, you have a chance to do something bold, courageous & move towards what you really want?

What do you do next?

Do you share that idea, say what you really think & share how you truly feel... or, do you hold back somehow?

Do you take action... or do you find a way to talk yourself out of it? (only to regret it later on... replaying in your head "what might have been?")

For a lot of people, it's in these moments that their anxiety & worry kicks in...

And their self-doubt starts to completely consume them...

"What will people think of me?"
"What if I get rejected?"
"What if I fail?"
"What if I say the wrong thing?"
"What if I make a mistake?"

Or, the general, most underlying worry they have, which is...

"Am I Good Enough?"

We worry that we are not!

That we're not "good enough"...

We're not "capable enough"...

Not "worthy enough"...

We compare ourselves to others, focus in on all of our flaws & make ourselves feel small & worthless...

We're concerned with what other people think of us, what will happen if we say a mistake, or say the wrong thing...

We find ways to talk ourselves out of great opportunities, because we don't feel good enough (or because we feel like we don't deserve them)...

When we also make mistakes (which everybody makes; they're inevitable) instead of being compassionate with ourselves & learning from those mistakes, we say...

"Here I Go Again... What's Wrong With Me?"

We proceed to "beat ourselves up" & make ourselves feel even more horrible for making that mistake...

All of this also leads us to set smaller & smaller goals for ourselves (because we feel like that's all we're capable off...)

Before long, our only intention is to just somehow "make it through the week"...

Or, even if we do start something well, we later "shoot ourselves in the foot" & self-sabotage our own progress (because again, we never even thought we would get this far to begin with... we don't feel worthy, capable or good enough")...

Can you relate to this?

If you can, that's totally ok...

In fact, I'm here to tell you that... 

It's Ok... You're Not Alone!

Everybody experiences a bit of anxiety, worry & self-doubt every once in a while (even obsesses over their own imperfections, from time to time too)...

And a little bit of this is actually totally normal & perfectly healthy (in fact, it can push you to improve & do better next time)...

But, that's only a little bit!

Too much of this (which, unfortunately, is the reality for most people, all around the world!) & you set yourself up for a life of doom, despair, or quiet desperation...

(As Henry David Thoreau said: “The mass of men live lives of quiet desperation”)

The other thing I need to tell you (other than that "you're not alone") is that low self-esteem & self-confidence is also "not your fault"...

I'll share more about this in a moment... 

But first... 

Why exactly is this all of so important, to begin with?

"Why does self-esteem & self-confidence even matter?" you might think...

Well, turns out that self-esteem & self-confidence is not just an attractive trait in itself... but also something that 50+ years of scientific & psychological research proves to lead to better results in all areas of your life — from your health, to your career, relationships & more!

On one side, crippling self-doubt reaps havoc on our daily lives...

On the other, self-confidence enables us to express of our true self & construct the reality that we truly desire for ourselves...

And here's precisely how...

The Painful Consequences Of Self-Doubt!

A person with low self-esteem will tend to second-guess their decisions & hold back when expressing ideas, leading to poorer (& less assertive) decision-making!

It also leads to struggles in social interactions...

In fact, people with low self-confidence have a much harder time building (& maintaining!) strong relationships & social bonds...

This includes our intimate relationships too...

Firstly, few things are as unattractive as a lack of self-confidence (leading to fewer dates, less attraction, less romance, in the first place)

But, beyond this...

The 3 main empirical, large-scale research projects that have been conducted all conclude poor self-confidence leads to worse marital & relationship satisfaction...

One study even concluded with this…

"women complained more about husbands with low than with high self-confidence. Low self-confidence men were derided by their wives as jealous, possessive, inconsiderate, moody, prone to abuse alcohol, and emotionally constricted"

Speaking of which, poor self-esteem & self-confidence makes people more likely to engage in negative habits...

A study involving 4300+ girls, aged 8 - 17, done by the dove self esteem fund found that 75% of girls with low self-confidence reported engaging in negative activities such as disordered eating, cutting, bullying, smoking, or drinking when feeling bad about themselves...

Other studies show that those with lower self-confidence are also more likely to engage in criminal behavior...

It’s said that:

"criminal behavior often represents a desperate attempt to compensate for this prevailing sense of inadequacy’"

...which stems from poor self-esteem & self-confidence.

Put this all together & it's clear to see why those with lower self-esteem have a harder time achieving their goals, are less happy (as other studies proven) & experience worse mental health...

In fact, put everything together... over time... & it's not unrealistic for individuals crippled with this self-doubt to start retreating from their life & even to slip into deep depression...

Research backs this up too — that those with low self-esteem have a significantly greater change of depression than those with high self-esteem & self-confidence!

Compare all of this to the opposite...

The Staggering, Jaw-Dropping Benefits Of High Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence!

'Believe In Yourself'
'Know Your Worth'
'You Can Do This'
'Don’t Doubt Yourself... You Got This!'

This advice is so common because, intuitively, we know just how crippling self-doubt can be... as well as how important self-esteem & self-confidence is to achieving what we want in life...

Highly self-confident people are less anxious, less stressed, they better manage their emotions, develop healthier habits & experience better mental health too...

As mentioned, they also have a much easier time building (& maintaining) healthy relationships with others... 

Making friends, getting along with co-workers, getting dates, keeping the spark alive in marriages — confidence is key & highly self-confidence people tend to thrive in these area!

(as the saying goes: "confidence is sexy.")

Additionally, self-confidence gives us the much needed strength & self-respect required to also walk away if a relationship, friendship, or business partnership becomes unhealthy or toxic in some way (something which people will lower self-confidence tend to struggle with too!)
In work, it's the same story... 

Highly self-confident are statistically more likely to get promotions (leading to more income, power, responsibility, & often, more freedom & autonomy too!)...

This is, in large part, because confident people make better decisions, are more assertive, more resilient in the face of challenges or obstacles, are more creative & in general, perform better at what they do (even under lots of pressure!)

(research on athletes, actors & musicians specifically shows people are more likely to perform up to their potential when they have high levels of confidence).

Confident people are also more motivated (as "believing in yourself" is a huge part of motivation equation), as well as generally more energetic & enthusiastic!

The other reason is that people with higher self-confidence tend to be more charismatic too & better at influencing others...

This includes motivating & persuading other people, as well as selling their ideas, their vision for the future, or their products / services (which also makes them better at sales, negotiation, as well as in leadership positions).

Finally (& perhaps, most importantly) they are happier & free to live their life more authentically...

"Authenticity" is a bit part of what makes confidence, but it's also an end-result of confidence too...

As self-confidence grows, you don't feel need to "people-please" all the time, buy into "peer pressure", or pretend to be someone you're not just to "fit in"...

(thanks to this, confident people are also a lot less likely to be manipulated, or controlled by others, in any way!)

And yes, many studies done over many decades prove that self-confidence has a strong relation to self-reported happiness...

Those with higher self-confidence report to be happier & more satisfied with their life than those with lower self-confidence...

Of course, we know this intuitively...

In fact, we often express this...

We'll say (or at least, think) things like:

'If only I had the confidence to _________'

You can fill in the blank for yourself, but often it include things like...
  • ​​​Express my ideas
  • Join that class (or learn that skill)
  • ​​​Tell that person how I really feel
  • ​​​Ask someone out of a date
  • ​​​Quit my job (or ask for a promotion)
  • ​​​​Start my own business
  • ​Set that (bigger) goal for myself
  • ​Get in the gym & exercise
  • ​Go on that trip / wild adventure
  • ​Live my life authentically
We know that self-confidence is important across virtually all areas of our life...

It's also easy for us to imagine just how much better our life would be if only we could replace our anxiety, worry, critical self-talk, over-thinking & self-doubt with an unshakeable sense of self-confidence...

So, why don't we do this?

Why aren't we more confident?

What stops us?

I shared that low self-esteem & self-confidence is "not your fault"...

Well, it's time for me to explain what I mean by this...

Does The Modern World Crush Our Spirit & Destroy Our Self-Confidence?

We are born largely free from self-doubt...

A newborn, for example, does not doubt their self-worth, ability to learn (i.e. to walk) or whether they they are lovable or not...

They also do not worry about falling over, failing or what others might think of them if they do...

They don't second-guess or over-think their every thought, decision or impulse...

They just act!

But, then, as we grow-up & we're confronted by the world outside, self-doubts starts to grows & take over...

From our upbringing & early childhood experiences, the parenting we received, our teachers, the people that we spend time with, societal norms, other people's expectations of us...

As well as our own failure, mistakes or the rejection, criticism, judgement & hate which we experience along the way...

This all fills us with more & more self-doubt...

There's also the mainstream media, which programs our brain for fear, negativity, skepticism, hate & division...

As well as social media, full with influencers, who's "filtered" life's appear 100% perfect, all of the time (to which we compare ourselves & put ourselves down!)...

Bit by bit, our self-confidence gets crushed by the modern world...

And we're left to believe that a true, real, unshakable sense of self-confidence is reserved only for the superhero's in the movies...

But, this is not true...

The truth is that...

GOOD NEWS: Anyone Can Improve Their Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence!

The other, very exciting insight that research proves is that self-esteem & self-confidence are not "fixed" traits...

Rather, they are highly changeable & malleable traits which can be be improved!

What this means is, even if you've had low self-esteem & lacked self-confidence your entire adult life, you can absolutely train it up & start reaping the benefits...

You can reverse the negative, harmful effects of the modern world I mentioned & largely eradicate this constant self-doubt...

Replacing it instead with positive, empowering self-belief that's going to propel your towards ultimate success in your life...

"How do you do this?" you may wonder...

Well, it's definitely not in the way that schools, governments or institutions have gone about it in recent decades...

Participation Trophies Do Not Work!

As a way of building self-esteem, as a society, we have started praising all kids, irrelevant of merit...

We've also started giving out trophies for participation alone (to be inclusive; so that no kid feels bad about losing/failing)...

The problem is these are not particularly good "self-esteem" & "self-confidence" building strategies...

They create privilege & entitlement, rather than true & healthy self-confidence.

In short... they don't work!

That's because, see right though them...

The feel-good emotions developed from these strategies are like fool's gold, or like empty calories... the same on the surface, but very different underneath...

Other people recommend things like affirmations...

I’m going to tell you right out of the gate, standing in front of a mirror in the morning & telling yourself...

"I’m confident. I’m confident. I’m confident"...

This too, rarely, ever works... 

(& can even backfire for well-known psychological reasons!)

The truth is that there are much deeper mechanisms at play (which few people ever learn or understand)... well as, based on these mechanisms, radically more-effective, psychological methods for boosting self-esteem, eradicating self-doubt & creating a truly, truly unshakeable sense of self-confidence in your life...

This is Exactly What I'm Going To Teach You Today...

Hey, my name's Bogdan... 

And if you have not come across my work, read any of my bestselling books or experienced any of my top-rated training programs before, I wanted to quickly quickly introduce myself & share how I can support you, starting right now...
See, the whole trajectory of my life changed when I was 13 years old...

It's because, at age 13, I made what what I, to this day, consider to be "the best decision of my life"...

The decision was to voluntarily drop out of high school...

I made this decision (together with my parents) because I already started to feel how broken the traditional education system is...

But the most important part is what came next...
See, after dropping out, I proceeded to spend the 8, 9, 10 hours that other kids were spending in school educating myself on the topics that I considered to be more important & the education system fails to teach us...

Over the next few years, I read more than 500+ books, attended hundreds of events & learned from a number of highly-successful mentors...

I've also dove deep into the fascinating research that had been conducted in the fields of psychology, neuroscience, neurobiology, performance psychology, sociology & more...

For fun, I also meticulously researched, studied & deconstructed the mindset, the habits & the daily practices of the world's highest achievers — from Olympic athletes, to CEO's, billionaire business owners, wealthy investors, extraordinary scientists, wise philosophers, world leaders & most influential historical figures...

Of course, the more I learned, the more I implemented into my own life...  

I become my own "guinea pig", rigorously experimenting & testing everything I could get my hands on, to optimize my own own life... before, eventually, starting to sharing what I had learned with my early clients!

Fast Forward To Today...

Today, I'm the author of multiple bestselling books, including Skilled Success & Self Mastery (which have been ordered from & delivered to 80+ countries!)  

I'm an internationally-recognized speaker & coach, having spoken on stages & platforms (live, in person, as well as online) to individuals all around the world...

And, perhaps most importantly, I am the founder of "Potencia" — an online education platform that I founded as part of my mission to change education & to transform people's lives all around the world...

Our mission here at Potencia is to deliver world-class products & programs on the topics that the traditional education system, unfortunately, falls shorts...

And to date, we've already helped tens of thousands of customers & clients from more than 85 countries around the world, to improve their work & their life (& we are only just getting started!)

That's a bit about me & my work...

Now, here's something most people don't know about me...

 Here's The Real Truth About Me...

People nowadays watch my videos, go through my courses, or see me speaking on stages in front of large crowds & they assume I've always been so confident, bold & charismatic...

I get compliments like this quite a lot...

"You're so confidence"
"You so sure of yourself"
"You live your life so boldly"

But the truth is that...

I was an incredibly shy, reserved & anxious kid growing up...

I was very fearful of things outside of my "comfort zone"...

I would almost always let self-doubt get the better of me...

Especially in social situations; I remember feeling very anxious whenever I was speaking to almost anyone (except close friends & family, of course)...

I would routinely turn away (or avoid!) opportunities to be my true self, express myself & pursue what I want, because of self-doubt...

And, I absolutely hated it!

(I also did not believe that change in this area was possible back then!)

Today, of course, my life is very different!

But, it was my personal struggle that motivated me to study "self-esteem" & "self-confidence" in the first place (amongst all of the other attributes that enable high achievers to achieve such extraordinary results in their life)... just like I did.

In short...

"Changing My Confidence, Changed My Life"

And, for all of the reasons that I've mentioned already, I know that it'll change & transform your life too...

In fact, imagine this for a moment...

Imagine if you could largely eradicate self-doubt, silence that mental chatter, stop over-thinking & second-guessing yourself all the time... & instead, start taking massive action towards your goals...?

Imagine if you could boost your self-esteem & create an unshakeable sense of self-confidence in your life...? 

(so that you're largely immune to the judgments & criticism of others, as well as able to express your ideas & be your true, authentic self!)

Imagine if you could learn to love & respect yourself more (as well as be more compassionate with yourself as well)...?

Now, imagine the positive impact all of this would have on all the important areas of your life... from your health, to your relationships, career, finances & more...?

Imagine how much more you would achieve in your career, work, business & in your finances...? 

Imagine how much better, deeper relationships with others you could create...

And imagine how much happier & at peace you'll be too...

Well, that's what I want to share with you... 

Today, I want to share with you everything I've learned over the past 9 years (as well as working with thousands of customers & clients from around the world)... 

I want to peel back the curtain & teach you precisely how you can boost your self-esteem, eradicate that self-doubt & create unshakeable self-confidence... so you can start crushing your goals & achieving even your most ambitious goals...



How To Boost Self-Esteem, Eradicate Self-Doubt & Create An Unshakeable Sense Of Self-Confidence

How To Boost Self-Esteem, Eradicate Self-Doubt & Create An Unshakeable Sense Of Self-Confidence

In this Unshakeable Confidence course, you'll get a complete walkthrough of this new, breakthrough methodology & system...

In the 3 in-depth parts of this course, you will learn a number of game-changing frameworks, key understandings, as well as underlying mechanisms that'll change how you think about self-esteem, self-belief & your confidence forever...

From there, you'll learn the little-know, yet proven "psychological methods" (as well as practical "state-shifting strategies") that you can start applying into your life instantly to... boost self-esteem, eradicate self-doubt & create unshakeable self-confidence!
Here's Precisely What You'll Learn Inside Each Part Of This Course:


In part 1, we deconstruct the topics of self-esteem, self-doubt & confidence. You'll learn the truth — including the myths, misconceptions & realities which often stop us fully believing in ourselves & living our life fully, confidently & authentically!

Pulling from decades of scientific & psychological research, you will learn precisely why confidence matters, how it's built & the very first steps you can take right away to start upgrading your confidence now (all revealed in shared in a simple way that's easy to understand & implement!)

What you’ll learn inside:

  • ​​​Want less anxiety, stress & self-doubt, as well as more charisma, better relationships & a more successful career? START HERE... you'll learn precisely how confidence can help you achieve all of these things (& more)... as well as the very first steps you can take to start upgrading your confidence, starting today!
  • "What exactly is self-confidence?" We will deconstruct this often-elusive attribute called "confidence", offering much-needed insight into how you can develop it in your own life... (including: the "3 levels of self-confidence" framework that'll change how you approach confidence-building forever!)
  • ​​​The real difference between "hope", "fear" & "confidence"... AND how to start using your brain to it's absolute fullest potential, to create more of what you want in life (& less of what you don't!)
  • ​​​The core way that self-confidence is build over time... (including: a powerful, 2-step journalling & visualization process that will help you to practically implement this framework into your life immediately!)
  • ​​​The 3 biggest reasons why people struggle to build self-confidence... AND how to flip each of them, so that you love + appreciate yourself more with each passing day!
  • ​​​​"YOU vs ENVIRONMENT" framework — you will learn how to correctly attribute your progress & successes so that you become highly-confident... but not arrogant, highly narcissistic or egotistical! (note: finding this right balance is the key... & implementing this framework is the secret to finding that balance!)
  • ​The "PAIN-PLEASURE Scale", explained — you'll learn how this directly affects your self-confidence over time... as well as how to apply this practically into your life, to even further upgrade your self-esteem, self-confidence & overall success!
  • ​The magical "4 words" that explain what true confidence really is... AND how to use them to create a deeper, truer sense of confidence (that makes you largely immune to the opinions, judgements, criticism & hate of others)...
  • ​The worst possible thing (which most people unfortunately do; often without even realizing it) that you can do for your self-confidence... (plus: what to do instead to become more & more self-confident every day!)
  • ​BELIEFS, EXPLAINED — you'll also learn how "belief" works in your brain, how to eradicate any limiting beliefs that may be sabotaging your progress, how to further remove self-doubt & replace it with the belief that you can truly can do anything you set your mind to... (leading to better results across all the important areas of your life!)

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
Which leads us to...


After learning to think about self-esteem & self-confidence in a brand new (far more intentional & effective!) way in part 1 of the course, we turn to practicality... 

In part 2, you' will discover not 1... not 2... but 6 simple, yet powerful "state-shifting strategies" you can use to instantly change how you feel... releasing anxiety, getting rid of stress, transforming fear & tuning into a feeling of confidence on command!

What you’ll learn inside:

  • ​​​The "Chain Of Action" framework which explains precisely how your thoughts & feelings affects your decision making, behavior & results in life... (including: the first steps to use this framework to not only improve your confidence, but overall begin achieving your goals 2x - 5x faster than before!)
  • The seemingly-innocent 'lie' which we tell yourself which leads us to procrastinate, to respect ourselves less & doubt ourselves more! (plus: how to reverse this, to build up your self-confidence & become an implementation machine!)
  • ​​​The '2 Elements of State' framework & how to apply it to change how you feel, take charge of your emotions & generate any feeling you want, virtually at will! (note: this is based on modern psychological research, which proves that our thoughts & feelings are not random & therefore, there are specific things that we can do to predictably change them. I’ll show you exactly how to do this…)
  • ​​​The 3 "focus shifts" that you can make to almost-instantly boost your self-confidence (including: what is easily one of my all-time favourite ways to tap into a strong feeling of self-confidence before any big speech, presentations, or important meeting!)
  • ​​​The 1 "confidence-boosting" strategy that turned a salesman afraid of making sales calls into one earning $500,000 a year in commissions... (note: it's takes just minutes to implement!)
  • ​​​​3 simple, yet incredibly powerful daily practices you can use to feel more in control of your life & therefore more confidence as a result... (note: these 3 daily practices will also raise your energy levels, improve your mood, boost motivation & help you focus.)
  • ​Another "5 minute visualization hack" that predictably replaces your fear or anxiety, with high levels of confidence, courage & boldness!
  • ​You'll also learn how to apply the 3 basic principles of ‘FOCUS’, ‘MEANING’ & ‘CODE’ to change your thinking easily... (note: mastering this is the real secret to removing negative thinking, becoming a more positive person & being in control of your life!)
  • ​The counter-intuitive, almost-backwards approach for dealing with fear or anxiety that'll make it reduce & dissipate faster than almost anything else you can do...
  • ​The 2 parts that make up your "autonomic nervous system"... AND how to use this understanding to also transform anxiety, stress, fear & nervousness into calm, presence & confidence incredibly quickly!
  • ​Powerful insights & key distinctions into how you can also use your physiology & body language to change how you feel (including: summoning more self-confidence) now!

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
And finally, you have...


Finally, in part 3 of the course, you will learn a number of mechanisms & proven psychological methods you can use to boost confidence at the "contextual" level (so that you show up as your most confidence, courageous & best self in any situation, environment or context you may find yourself in)... well as the "core" level... (so that you take back control of your life, tune into your true personal power & make your self confidence truly unshakeable!)

What you’ll learn inside:

  • ​​​The "3 core components" that affect up how confident you are in a various situations (e.g. on the sports field, at the gym, at the office, on a stage, in front of an audience, etc)... AND how to strategically optimize all 3 elements, starting right away!
  • Revealed: how high achievers really build up a strong, core, underlying sense of self-confidence & self-assuredness in their life (it's not what most people think)... which helps them to tackle big challenges, thrive under pressure & achieve amazing results!
  • ​​​THE CONFIDENCE-COMPETENCE LOOP — you'll learn one of the core mechanism that controls of your core level of self-confidence... AND how to "hack" it for greater learning, more confidence & better results across all the important areas of your life...
  • ​​​Precisely how to apply the psychological principle of "progressive de-sensitization" to lower anxiety, reduce fear & start to easily do the things that you previously may have procrastinated on, avoided or shied away from... (including: practical examples of how to apply this to improve your career, relationships, happiness & more.)
  • ​​​How the people in your life - & your "community" in general - affects your levels of self-confidence (plus: how to use this insight as well, to further improve "contextual" self-confidence... as well as live a better, healthier & happier life... as proven by decades of psychological research).
  • ​​​​You'll also learn how your physical "environment" affects your confidence levels over time too... AND how to "hack" this too, to lower anxiety, get rid of stress... while simultaneously boosting your confidence, charisma & success
  • ​Proven steps to controllably, predictably & methodically expand your "comfort zone"... opening yourself up to more possibilities & greater opportunities in your life!
  • ​Discover how to "re-wire" your brain for action, rather than delaying, overthinking, procrastinating, or otherwise not taking action... (note: this is the missing piece for most people on their personal growth journey & once you learn this, you'll start to full implement everything you know to start achieving what you're truly capable off!)
  • ​The "4 pillars of core self-confidence" framework explained... (including: precisely how to intentionally, deliberately & strategically develop each of these core pillars, to create an unshakeable "core" sense of self-confidence over time!)
  • ​"AUTHENTICITY", EXPLAINED — it has become a buzzword over the past decade, but what really is authenticity & why is it so important? You'll learn how can you become highly successful in all the important areas of your life, yet also be highly "authentic" in who you are... (note: this is a critical insight for creating true happiness & improving mental & emotional wellbeing!)
  • ​Finally, you'll learn to apply Charles Darwin's wisdom to become highly "adaptable" in life... improving your decision making, making your more self-confident (for strong evolutionary reasons) & helping you to sustain success over the long-term!

Training Video

You will get access to a high quality training video (MP4) that'll guide you through part 1 of this training course.

Audio Files

As well as the video training, you also get the audio files (which you can download & listen to anywhere, anytime)

Slides + Exercises

You will also be able to download the slides (PDF) - for quick & easy reference - as well as all the exercises.

Course Workbook

Lastly, you get the course workbook which you can use to take notes, refer back to & boost implementation.
 But, That's Not All...
You're *Also* Getting Access To A Number Of Very Special Bonuses...

Win's Integration Process

As you'll learn in the course, one of the core ways that a strong & unshakeable sense of self-confidence is built is through the integration of our progress & our win's in life into our identity...

The challenge is most people never do this (because we were never taught why this is important & how to do this!)

What the "Win's Integration Process" will help you to do is to practically implement this information into into your life, almost instantly boosting your self-confidence!

Bonus Value: $47.00

Breathwork Exercises

You also get access to a number of breathwork exercises which you can use to calm, relax & to de-stress your nervous system — shifting how you feel! — in just seconds!

These can be used to further lower anxiety, calm any nervousness & get rid of stress incredibly quickly... as well as shift your state / emotions in other directions too!

Bonus Value: $47.00

"Skill Development Strategies"

As you'll learn, competence (or, skill) & confidence are very strongly interconnected; raise one & the other tends to go up as well...

In this special bonus training, "Skill Development Strategies", you will learn 5 of the best (& my all-time favourite!) rapid skill acquisition strategies that you start to apply instantly to... learn faster, develop your skills rapidly & become extraordinary

Bonus Value: $67.00

"Take Control Of Your Day"

As you'll also discover, control & confidence are very strongly linked; a greater sense of control over situations in your life will naturally raise your confidence levels.

In this other bonus training, "Take Control Of Your Day", you will learn a number of game-changing models & frameworks for planning, structuring & taking control of your daily schedule... to maximize productivity, unleash creativity & achieve more, faster (as well as boost your self-confidence naturally in the process!)

Bonus Value: $67.00

Facebook Community

Sometimes, personal growth & self-discovery can feel like a lonely journey! 

This will not be the case with the Unshakeable Confidence training course... 

Not only do you get access to me, but you also get access to a community of members also going through this course at the same time as well!

You get access to a Facebook Community Group, where you can also ask questions, engage with others & share your progress!

Bonus Value: Priceless!

In Summary, Here's Everything 
That You're Getting Today...

 Core Course Curriculum

  • Part #1: Confidence Made Simple
  • ​Part #2: Confidence On Command
  • ​Part #3: Contextual & Unshakeable

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

  • Part #1: Confidence Made Simple. ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #2: Confidence On Command ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #3: Contextual & Unshakeable ($97.00 Value)

 Special Bonuses

  • ​Bonus #1: Win's Integration Process
  • ​Bonus #2: Breathwork Exercises
  • ​Bonus #3: "Skill Development Strategies"
  • Bonus #4: "Take Control Of Your Day"
  • Bonus #5: Facebook Community Group

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($67.00 Value)

($67.00 Value)


  • #1: Win's Integration Process ($47.00 Value)
  • ​#2: Breathwork Exercises ($47.00 Value)
  • ​​#3: "Skill Development Strategies" ($67.00 Value)
  • #4: "Take Control Of Your Day" ($67.00 Value)
  • #5: Facebook Community Group (Priceless)

Combined Value:


This is highly valuable stuff!

Think about it...

If you could boost your self-esteem, finally eradicate that self-doubt & create an unshakeable sense of self-confidence in your life...

...what would that be worth to you?

(what about over the course of a lifetime?!)

Probably a lot more than $519, right?

Once again, clients have paid me much, much more than this to have be coach them through this material & help them in this way...

Oh, & if the pricing for this course was done by a prestigious college or university, they'd be charging you tens of thousands of dollars for a curriculum as in-depth & effective as this one...

But, my goal now is to make this (life-changing!) information accessible to as many people as possible...

Which is why, I'm not going to be charging you $519 (or anywhere near that) today...

In fact, your investment if you want the 'Unshakeable Confidence' course, won't even be a tenth of this...

Today, you can get everything listed above at a massive discount of...


If you decide to invest in yourself... in your future... in this training course, you get everything at a massive 94% discount...

Total Value: $519

Just $27!

...that's about the price of a few Starbucks Frappuccino's, or a lunch at mid-priced restaurant...

Except here, you're getting access to a whole lot more... you're getting what you need to transform crippling self-doubt into empowering self-belief & to upgrade your self-confidence!

Here's Everything That You're Getting For Just $27 Today...

 Core Course Curriculum

  • Part #1: Confidence Made Simple
  • ​Part #2: Confidence On Command
  • ​Part #3: Contextual & Unshakeable

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

($97.00 Value)

  • Part #1: Confidence Made Simple. ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #2: Confidence On Command ($97.00 Value)
  • ​Part #3: Contextual & Unshakeable ($97.00 Value)

 Special Bonuses

  • #1: Win's Integration Process ($47.00 Value)
  • ​#2: Breathwork Exercises ($47.00 Value)
  • ​​#3: "Skill Development Strategies" ($67.00 Value)
  • #4: "Take Control Of Your Day" ($67.00 Value)
  • #5: Facebook Community Group (Priceless)
  • ​Bonus #1: Win's Integration Process
  • ​Bonus #2: Breathwork Exercises
  • ​Bonus #3: "Skill Development Strategies"
  • Bonus #4: "Take Control Of Your Day"
  • Bonus #5: Facebook Community Group

($47.00 Value)

($47.00 Value)

($67.00 Value)

($67.00 Value)


Your Success Truly Is Our Top Priority!

This may sounds cliche, but it's real for me...

I've seen too many courses out that are marketed well & promise you the world... but are put together poorly & fail to deliver results...

Or, the customer is left to figure things out on their own without the accountability, community, support that makes success possible...

Which is why, at Potencia, we do everything we possibly can to ensure that the products, programs & training courses we put out are of the highest possible standard, & include everything you need to create the changes, transformations & results you desire in your life.

Here's how simple the process is...

Step #1: Place your order today

Step #2: Receive your login details

Step #3: Log in & begin the course

The whole process takes less than 5 minutes!

This means, just a few minutes from now, you could already be starting the 'Unshakeable Confidence' training course...

Then, on top of this, you also get access to all of those special bonuses... & a community to support you as well!
Your order is also...

Completely Guaranteed

Here's the guarantee which comes with this course...

 Backed By Our Extended 30 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

If you get this new 'Unshakeable Confidence' training course & you don't consider it one of the best trainings on this topic you've ever come across, we'll refund your order 100% & let you keep the course + all the bonuses as well -- just as a thank you for trusting me & testing it out!'

In essence, you have 60 days to test-drive 'Unshakeable Confidence', risk-free, and if after those 60 days, you don't see tremendous value from it, just contact us & we'll refund your order 100% - this is an extended 60 day guaranteed & applies no-questions-asked.

Lifetime Access

When you order 'Unshakeable Confidence', you get access for life. You can go through it at your own pace & as many times as you'd like.

Free Upgrades

Today, you're ordering v1.0 of the 'Unshakeable Confidence' course. If this course gets updated in future, you'll get access to the upgrade, free

Price Guarantee

This is the lowest price that this course has ever been offered at & it's the lowest price that this course will ever be offered for in future!

You Must Act Now

This special discount (94% off) isn't going to last forever...

In fact, this page will likely be pulled down soon & the price will be drastically increased going forward...

And so, if you want this course & you want to get it at 94% OFF, you must act now. Get in & get started before this discount expires... 
Thanks for taking the time to read this page. I look forward to hearing about the amazing results this training course will help you create!

Have an incredible day, 
Bogdan Juncewicz
COURSE CREATOR  |  Bogdan Juncewicz
Since making a decision to voluntarily drop out of high school at the age of 13, Bogdan has been obsessed with figuring out what makes people extraordinary at what they do & how anyone can create the success & happiness they desire...

Today, he's the author of multiple bestselling & internationally-distributed books (including 'Skilled Success' & Self Mastery'). He's also a content creator & keynote speaker, who has spoken on stages across 3 continents, teaching thousands & thousands of people worldwide. Including: multi-millionaires, TEDx speakers, marketers, musicians, teachers, fitness professionals & more.

Bogdan has more than 9 years of real-world, practical regular-100-hour-work-weeks experience, researching, studying & teaching topics, such as accelerated learning, skill development, human psychology, motivation, productivity & overall personal development. And his teachings are grounded in (& backed by) years of research in the fields of neuroscience, positive psychology, performance psychology & human behavior.

A lot of his experience, specific insights & relatable examples have also come from the in-the-trenches work he does as a ‘coach,’ delivering breakthrough results for his clients. 

Over the years, he’s helped people break addictions, overcome limiting beliefs & make huge shifts in their lives in just a few coaching sessions - the same results some therapists take many, many years to get for their clients!

Most importantly, he’s the founder of an online education company, 'Potencia' which serves customers & clients across 80+ countries & 6 continents, providing world-class alternative education in the areas that school falls short. The mission of this company (& his work) is to reform the education system & elevate, improve & evolve human education - for greater achievement, happiness & freedom...

Bestselling Author. International Speaker. Coach. Voluntary High School Dropout.
What Others Say About Bogdan's Work...

''Bogdan's honest, sincere & uncomplicated manner is breath of fresh air. These strategies guided me to come up with a system that works for me.''

- Riffi Khan, TV Producer & Founder of Sunflower Productions

''Bogdan's knowledge combined with this fantastic ability to explain everything simply... will leave anyone achieving their greatness.''

- Noah Abelman, 99.90th percentile student & creator: ExamReadyTutoring

''I can promise you that Bogdan's guidance will be invaluable to helping you reach your end goal.''

- Pam Wright, Australia’s Leading Stress Expert & FasterEFT Trainer
P.S. If you're one of those people (like me) who just skips to the bottom of the page first, here's the deal:

For a limited time, you can get instant, digital & lifetime access to my Unshakeable Confidence course, as well as all of the bonuses (value: $519) at a 94% DISCOUNT.

This course contains game-changing frameworks, critical understandings, underlying mechanisms, as well as proven (& highly-practical) psychological methods for... boosting your self-esteem, eradicating self-doubt & creating an unshakeable sense of self-confidence in your life.

Your investment today is $519 just $27!

PLUS: if, for any reason, you don't absolutely love this training course & find it incredibly useful, you will get a full refund - no questions asked.

So, you can get started risk-free today!
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